Social sewing and creative gatherings!

Welcome to the cozy atmosphere at the Medieval Week office (The Old Pharmacy)!
There is no cost and no pre-registration is required!
Every Thursday 18.30 – 20.30 throughout the spring the doors are open and we will meet at the Medieval Week office, Strandgatan 28, Visby (entrance from Lybska Gränd).
Bring a sewing project, embroider, fix something broken or sew something together from all the fabrics you bought at Medieval Week!
It doesn’t have to be historical, you can knit a pair of socks for your grandchild, knit a tablecloth for your cousin, crochet a bowl for yourself or embroider on your student overalls.
Or show up as you are and just let yourself be inspired. Everyone is welcome.
These gatherings are organized in collaboration with ABF and the local medieval society Styringheim.
“Show me more of Styringheim!”